Wednesday 28 December 2011

So hey you all, i'm posting about one the few sites I just can't get away from, Lol. And I'm serious! It's hilarious and epic and just so you know, at first I had doubts about visiting it. But who knew I'd get addicted to it. For those who are really that ignorant about the world, this trending site contains jokes, quotes and rants mostly using Meme's about the random things happening in our life.

Not only that, sometimes the things us 9gaggers post about seem so true. But then again, most of the time, they're just random dumb stuff.. I mean like really really random stuff. Check this post out if you don't believe me ( One of the funniest posts I've seen)

Newborn Baby Care

and this

Not only are the posts funny but sometimes, the comments can be really funny too. So if you do check 9gag out, do remember to click on the post to read the comments :)

Also, regarding Memes, my posts would most probably be full of them. Why? Because they're funny obviously :P And if you're wondering, these few are my favorite memes. Posts that contain these memes actually.
Epic 'shocked' face 

Epic realization face :D


and this
Obama's 'Not Bad' face

There are still lots of memes that i like but these are the best :) So yeah, if you're free/ ready to lose your soul to us 9gaggers, slimpy click on the link and start reading!
That's all for now :)
 Honestly, I hope i made a good impression about to you guys. Well, at least I tried right?

Enjoy yourselves!

yours truly,
Adrian x)

P.s. If you're curious on how these memes came about, visit this site Slimpy type the meme's name you'd wanna know about on the search box and you'll get to know more about that meme :)

1 comment:

Enrecca ❤ said...

was here readingg :)